Harsh skin during the winter? No problem!

Do you find that during the Fall and Winter months your skin feels dry and flaky? Preparing your skin for the cooler months ahead is very important to keep your skin feeling and looking fabulous. Here are some tips to help get you through the cool months:

Exfoliate! Exfoliating is a very big part in keeping your skin looking and feeling amazing. Exfoliating removes the dry skin, and helps unclog your pores of dirt and debris before cleansing and moisturizing your skin. Exfoliate with an oil-based scrub. The summer sun and chlorine may have left your skin feeling dry and flaky. Oil-based scrubs are wonderful because they exfoliate and hydrate.

Maximize your Moisturizer! We just cant say it enough during the winter months to constantly moisturize your skin! As the air becomes drier, your skin needs a thicker moisturizer. Creams provide a stronger oily barrier, which means they both reduce water loss from the outer layer of skin and provide hydration to this layer of skin at the same time.

Your Lips need Love too! Start moisturizing now to prevent dry, cracked lips this winter. Use a non-petroleum based lip balm for best results.