What is Permanent makeup?

Permanent makeup is a Cosmetics technique which employs tattoos (permanent pigmentation of the dermis) as a means of producing designs that resemble makeup, such as eye lining and other permanent enhancing colors to the skin of Eye Linerthe face, lips, and eyelids. It is also used to produce artificial eyebrows, particularly in people who have lost them as a consequence of old age, disease, such as alopecia, chemotherapy, or a genetic disturbance, and to disguise scars and white spots in the skin such as in vitiligo.

Here at The Arthur Company Salon, Rhonda Jean is our highly talented and experienced artist who will perform your procedure. Rhonda has been doing permanent makeup applications for ten years and was one of the first licensed professionals in the state of RI. She has taken her artistic eye further than just applying the makeup, to having done amazing restorative work for those who have been injured by accident or marred by defects.